Gong CHEN, Ph.D.
2010-2014 B.S., College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University
2015-2020 Ph.D., College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University
2020-2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University
2022.08-present Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University
Research interest
1. Inter- and intra-specific divergence of bird vocalization and plumage
2. Syntax and musicality of bird vocalization
Selected publications
1. Li, J., Song, G., Chen, G., Liu, N., Dong, L., and Bao, X. (2023). A new bunting species in South China revealed by an integrative taxonomic investigation of the Emberiza godlewskii complex (Aves, Emberidae). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. 180, 107697.
2. Zhao, K., Chen, G., Liu, Y., Møller, A. P., and Zhang, Y. (2022). Population size assessment of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chicks based on vocal activity rate index. Global Ecology and Conservation. 38, e02263.
3. Chen, G., Xia, C., and Zhang, Y. (2020). Individual identification of birds with complex songs: the case of green-backed flycatchers Ficedula elisae. Behavioural Processes. 173, 104063.
4. Chen, G., Xia, C., Dong, L., Lyu, N., and Zhang, Y. (2019). Delayed plumage maturation in green-backed flycatchers (Ficedula elisae): an evidence of female mimicry. Ethology. 125(1), 64-72.
Contact information
E-mail: chengong@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Address: Biology Building, Tsinghua University